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Laboratory of

Tourism Planning

Research and Policy


Department of Planning 
and Regional Development
Director: Professor Alex Deffner



  1. Deffner, A., Dimitrios Konstadakopulos και Psycharis, Y., eds. (2003) Culture and regional economic development in Europe: Cultural, political and social perspectives. Volos: University of Thessaly Press.




  1. Deffner, A. (1999/2008) “Music” in: Metaxas, A.-J.D. (επιμ.) About Greece. Athens: Koryfi Publications. In French at:  [Last Access  17/02/2013].

  2. Deffner, A. (1999/2008) “Cinema” in: Metaxas, A.-J.D. (ed.) About Greece. Athens: Koryfi Publications. In French at: [Last Access 17/02/2013].

  3. Deffner, A. (1999/2004) “Life-style”.Στο: Metaxas, A.-J.D. (ed.) About Greece. Athens: Koryfi Publications. In French at: [Last Access 17/02/2013]. First edition's chapter title: “Leisure Activities”.

  4. Maloutas, T. and Deffner, A. (2003) “Les équipements d’ Athènes:, culture” in: Sivignon, M., Auriac, F., Deslondes, O. and Maloutas, T. (ed.) Atlas de la Grèce Paris: CNRS, La Documentation Française, p.146-147.

  5.  Economou, D., Coccossis, H. and Deffner, A. (2005) “Athens, a capital city under the shadow of the state: ‘Too many cooks spoil the broth’?” in: Hendriks, F., Van Stipdonk, V. and Tops, P. (ed.) Urban-regional governance in the European Union: Practices and prospects. [s.l.]: Elsevier, TheHague. p. 83-99.

  6. Deffner, A. (2005) “Convention centres”. in: Caves, R.W. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the city. London: Routledge, p. 97-98.

  7. Deffner, A. (2005) “Culture” in: Caves, R.W. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the city. London: Routledge, p. 107-108.

  8.  Deffner, A. (2005) “Disney environments” in: Caves, R.W. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the city. London: Routledge, p. 126-127.

  9. Deffner, A. (2005) “Festivals” in: Caves, R.W. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the city. London: Routledge, p. 180.

  10. Deffner, A. (2005) “Luna parks” in: Caves, R.W. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the city. London: Routledge, p. 297.

  11. Deffner, A. (2005) “Stadia” in: Caves, R.W. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the city. London: Routledge, p. 430.

  12. Deffner, A. (2005) “Theme places” in: Caves, R.W. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the city. London: Routledge, p. 454-455.

  13. Konsola D., Karachalis N. (2009), “Arts festivals and urban cultural policies: the case of medium sized and small cities in Greece”, in Cultural Policy and Management Yearbook 2009, p. 51-63 Istanbul Bilgi University Press, Boekman Publications, Amsterdam-Instanbul (ISSN/ISBN:978-90-6650-095-2).

  14. Deffner, A. and Metaxas, T. (2010) “Place marketing and branding cultural images in Southern Europe: Nea Ionia, Greece and Pafos, Cyprus” in: Ashworth, G.and Kavaratzis, M. (ed.) Towards effective place brand management: Branding European cities and regions, Cheltenham:: Edward Elgar. p. 49-68.

  15. Bourdakis, V. and Deffner, A. (2010) “Can urban planning, participation and ICT co-exist?: Developing a curriculum and an interactive virtual reality tool for Agia Varvara, Athens, Greece” in: Nunes Silva, C. (ed.) Handbook οn research in e-planning: ICTs for urban development and monitoring. Hershey: Information Science Reference. p. 268-285.

  16. Karachalis N. (2011), «The regeneration of inner city neighbourhoods and the role of cultural industries: The case of Psiri in Athens». In Cremaschi Μ., Eckhard F. (eds.), Changing Places, Urbanity, Citizenship, and Ideology in the New European Neighbourhoods, pp.142-159  Techne Press, Amsterdam (ISBN: 978-90-8594-037-1).




  1. Labrianidis, L. and Deffner, A. (1999) ”The development of planning education and its relation to the belated start of geography teaching in Greek universities”. European Planning Studies, 7 (2), p. 243-253.

  2. Deffner, A. and Maloutas, T. (2002) “Urbanisation et patrimoine culturel: Athènes face aux Jeux Olympiques de 2004“. Géocarrefour: Revue de Géographie de Lyon, 77 (4), p. 353-358.

  3. Deffner, A. (2005) “The combination οf cultural and time planning: A new direction for the future of European cities”. City, 9 (1), p. 125-141.

  4. Deffner, A. και Labrianidis, L. (2005) “Planning culture and time in a mega-event: Thessaloniki as the European city of culture in 1997”. International Planning Studies, 10 (3-4), p. 241-264.

  5. Economou, D., Lalenis, K. and Deffner, A. (2008) “Urban dipoles of Thessaly”. NovaTerra, April, p. 31-35.

  6. Deffner, A.and Metaxas, T. (2009) “Marketing the national marine park image in Greece”. Anatolia: An International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 20 (2), p. 307-329.

  7. Zografos, G.and Deffner, A. (2009) “Dramatic changes in the continuously evolving tourist destinations: The case of Paralia”. Tourismos: An international Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism, 4 (2), p. 129-147.

  8. Deffner, A. and Metaxas, T. (2009) “Cultural development and the determinants of the satisfaction of the vision of a city/place: Some empirical evidence from European cases”. Tourism Today, 9, p. 44-64.

  9. Deffner, A., Metaxas, T., Syrakoulis, S. and Papatheochari, T. (2009) “Museums, marketing and tourism development: The case of the Tobacco Museum of Kavala”. Tourismos, 4 (4), p. 57-76.

  10. Deffner, A. and Metaxas, T. (2010) “The city marketing pilot plan of Nea Ionia, Magnesia, Greece: An exercise in branding”. Journal of Town and City Management, 1 (1), p. 58-68.

  11. Konsola D., Karachalis N. (2010), «Τhe creative potential of medium-sized greek cities: critical reflections on contemporary cultural strategies», Special tribute volume «Innovation and Creativity in Urban Management» (Ed. Luigi Fusco Girard, Andrea De Montis, Peter Nijkamp,  International Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol.13, No.1/2, pp.84 – 96.

  12. Karachalis, N. and Deffner, A. (2012) “Rethinking the connection between creative clusters and city branding: The cultural axis of Piraeus Street in Athens”. Quaestiones Geographicae, 31 (4), p. 87-97.

  13. Deffner, A. and Metaxas, T. (2013 in press) “Developing place marketing pilot plans (PMPPs) in Northern Europe: The cases of Rostock (Germany) and Kainuu (Finland)”. Anatolia.



  1. Deffner, A. (1992) “Cultural spaces in Athens: Continuity and change”.  in: Papers II of the 8th ELRA Congress Leisure and New Citizenship.  Bilbao, 1992, p. 266-276.

  2. Deffner, A. (1994) “Cultural activities in Greece: Tradition or modernity?”  in Henry, I. (ed.) Leisure in different worlds: Vol. 1: Leisure: Modernity, postmodernity and lifestyles. Eastbourne: LSA, p. 135-156.

  3. Labrianidis, L. and Deffner, Α. (2000) “European cities of culture: Impacts in economy, culture and theory“ in: Delladetsimas, P., Hastaoglou, V., Hatzimihalis, C., Mantouvalou, M. και Vaiou, D. (ed.) Towards a radical cultural agenda for European cities and regions. Thessaloniki: Kyriakidis, p. 23-58.

  4. Maloutas, T. and Deffner, A. (2001) “Urbanisation et patrimoine culturel: Athènes face aux Jeux Olympiques de 2004“ in: 1ères rencontres internationals: Monaco et la Méditerranée: Villes Méditerranéennes: Quel devenir? Monaco: Association Monégasque pour la Connaissance des Arts, p. 49-61.

  5. Loukissas, P., Deffner, A.M., Adamou, A., Koutseris, E. and Metaxas, T. (2002) “Τhe marine park of Northern Sporades: Sustainable development, global promotion and local attachment“ in: Kungolos, A.G., Liakopoulos, A.B., Korfiatis, G.P., …[et al.] (ed.) Protection and restoration of the environment VI: Proceedings of an international conference, Volume III. Skiathos, July 1-5.  [Thessaloniki]: Grafima, p. 1385-1392.

  6. Deffner, A. (2003) “The leisure dimension of urban planning: The case of sport in Volos“ in: Deffner, A., Konstadakopulos, D. και Psycharis, Y. (ed.) Culture and regional economic development in Europe: Cultural, political and social perspectives. Volos: University of Thessaly Press, p. 381-406.

  7. Deffner, A., Konstadakopulos, D. and Psycharis, Y. (2003) “Introduction” in: Deffner, A., Konstadakopulos, D. και Psycharis, Y. (ed.) Culture and regional economic development in Europe: Cultural, political and social perspectives. Volos: University of Thessaly Press, p. 19-38.

  8. Deffner, A. and Syrakoulis, K. (2004) “Leisure and quality of life: The case of university students in Greece” in: Tokarski, W., Steinbach, D. και Petry, K. (ed.) LEDU 2004 Leisure, tourism and sport: Education, integration, innovation.  Cologne, 18-20 March. Cologne: German Sport University, p. 111.

  9. Deffner, A. and Zografos, G. (2008) “A place marketing approach of the Greek tourist product in relation to the 2006 Eurovision Song Contest” in: Iakobidou, O. (ed.) Tourism beyond the coastline: New trends in tourism and the social organisation of space. Thessaloniki: Ziti, p. 673-684.

  10. Metaxas, T. and Deffner, A. (2008) “Marketing, management and promotion policies of city image: Defining the role and the contribution of public museums in Greece” in: Mpounia A., Nikonakou N. and Oikonomou M. (ed.) Technology in the service of cultural heritage: Management, education, Communication. Athens: Kaleidoscopio. p. 117-130.

  11. Deffner, A. and Bourdakis, V. (2008) “The interrelationship of planning, participation and ICT: The case of developing a curriculum in Agia Varvara, Athens, Greece” in: Psycharis, Y. Και Skayannis, P. (ed.) Τhe contexts, dynamics and planning of urban development: A collection of papers. Volos: University of Thessaly Press, p. 85-97.

  12. Deffner, A. and Metaxas, T. (2008) “Is city marketing opposed to urban planning?: The elaboration of a pilot city marketing plan for the case of Nea Ionia, Magnesia, Greece” in: Psycharis, Y. Και Skayannis, P. (ed.) Τhe contexts, dynamics and planning of urban development: A collection of papers.  Volos: University of Thessaly Press, p. 129-160.

  13. Deffner, A. and Metaxas, T. (2010) ‘What are public relations doing in a “place” like place marketing?: A proposed public relations plan (PRP) for the region of Kainuu, Finland’ in: Damianos, P. Sakas και Nikolaos Konstantopoulos (ed.) Marketing and Management Sciences. Proceedings of the International Conference on ICMMS 2008, Imperial College Press, London, 299-304. [also: Discussion Paper, DPRD, 14(16), 2008, 299-306].

  14. Karachalis N. (2012), «City Center Neighbourhoods, Culture-led Regeneration and the role of Branding: The case of Psiri in Athens», In International Place Branding Conference, Special Edition Conference Proceedings, 20-21 January, Utrecht, pp.105-118 (ISBN 9780955173288).

  15. Deffner, A., Karachalis, N. and Psatha, E. (2013) “Designing a city branding strategy for Volos: Key issues and dilemmas” in: 3rd International Place Branding and 2nd Institute of Place Management Conference. The Business of Place: Critical, Practical and Pragmatic Perspectives. Manchester, 14-15 February, p.64-73.

  16. Karachalis N., Tsapari O. (2013), “Local Music Scenes, City identities and Urban Regeneration: The case of Perama in Greece”, paper at the Echopolis-Days of Sound, International Conference, 29 September – 3 October 2013, Athens.

  17. Deffner, A. & Lalou, G. (2015) 'Becoming Local in Amsterdam: the synergy between creativity and city branding in strengthening local identity' In AESOP Annual Congress 2015: Definite Space - Fuzzy Responsibility. Prague, 13 - 16 July.

  18. Deffner A., Psatha E., Bogiantzidis N., Mantas N., Vlachaki E. & Ntaflouka P. (2015), 'ACCESSIBILITY TO CULTURE & HERITAGE: DESIGNING FOR ALL'. In AESOP Annual Congress 2015: Definite Space - Fuzzy Responsibility. Prague, 13 - 16 July.



  1. Deffner, A. (2000) “Cultural industries in Athens: Spatial transformations during the Nineties“.In: The 6th World Leisure Congress: Leisure and Human Development. Deusto, Bilbao, 3-7 July.

  2. Deffner, A. (2000) “Theme parks as a point of convergence between urban planning, culture and tourism“. In: International Scientific Conference: Tourism on Islands and Specific Destinations. University of the Aegean, Chios, 14-16 December.

  3. Deffner, A. and Maloutas, T. (2002) “Restaurants in the greater Athens area: A service for all?“. (In: 42nd ERSA Congress: From Industry to Advanced Services: Perspectives of European Metropolitan Regions. Dortmund, 27-31 August.

  4. Deffner, A., Sayas, J. and Panayotatos, E. (2002) “Socio-spatial differentiations and second home settlement development: The case of the Evoikos coastal area in Greece“. In: Papers of the 38th ISOCARP Congress: Urban Planning and the Pulsar Effect: Coping with Peaks, Troughs, and Repeats in the Demand Cycle. Athens.

  5. Deffner, A. and Metaxas, T. (2003) “The interrelationship of urban economic and cultural development: The case of Greek museums”.In: 43rd ERSA Congress. Peripheries, centres, and spatial development in the new Europe, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 27-30 August. [also Discussion Paper, DPRD, Series 12 (4), 2006, 57-82]

  6. Coccossis, H., Deffner, A. and Economou, D. (2003) “Urban/regional co-operation in Greece: Athens, a capital city under the shadow of the state”. In: 43rd ERSA Congress. Peripheries, centres, and spatial development in the new Europe, University of Jyväskylä, Finland,27-30 August 2003.

  7. Deffner, A. and Koutsiana, E. (2003) “The contribution of sport tourism to local identity: Volos as an Οlympic City”. In: 2nd International Conference: Sustainable Tourism Development and the Environment. Chios, 2-5 October.

  8. Deffner, A. and Vrassida, M. (2004) “The relation between tourism and entertainment in coastal urban environments: The case of Volos, Greece”. In: International Conference: Borderless Frontiers: The Implications for Tourism in the New and Enlarged European Union. Nicosia, 10-11 December.

  9. Deffner, A. and Sirakoulis, K. (2004) “The importance of time use research in urban planning: The case of leisure time in Larissa, Greece”. In: IATUR Conference. Time Use: What's New in Methodology and Application Fields? Rome, 27-29 October. [Last Access 01/02/2013].

  10. Deffner, A. and Metaxas, T. (2005) “Shaping the vision, the identity and the cultural image of European places”.In: 45th ERSA Congress. Land Use and Water Management in a Sustainable Network Society. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 23-27 August.

  11. Deffner, A. and Liouris, C. (2005) “City marketing: A significant planning tool for urban development in a globalised economy”. In: 45th Congress of the European Regional Science Association. Land Use and Water Management in a Sustainable Network Society. Amsterdam, 23-27 August.

  12. Deffner, A. and Zografos, G. (2006) “A place marketing approach of the Greek tourist product in relation to the 2006 Eurovision Song Contest”.In: 5th Conference of the Mediterranean Association for the Sociology of Tourism. Tourism Beyond the Coastline: New Trends in Tourism and the Social Organisation of Space. Thessaloniki, 2005, 22-24 September. (see also VIII-09).

  13. Deffner, Α. and Bourdakis, V. (2006) “The interrelationship of planning, participation and ICT: The case of developing a curriculum in Agia Varvara, Athens, Greece”.In: 46th ERSA Conference. Enlargement, Southern Europe and the Mediterranean. Volos, 30 August – 3 September. [also: Discussion Paper, DPRD, 12 (9), p. 175-188]. (see also VIII-11).

  14. Deffner, A. and Metaxas, T. (2006) “Is city marketing opposed to urban planning?: The elaboration of a pilot city marketing plan for the case of Nea Ionia, Magnesia, Greece”. In: 46th Congress of the European Regional Science Association. Enlargement, Southern Europe and the Mediterranean. Volos, 30 August – 3 September. (see also VIII-12).

  15. Sirakoulis, K. and Deffner, A. (2006) “Urban youth leisure, time use research and quality of life:  The comparison of leisure preferences of university students in Athens and Larissa, Greece”. In: 46th Congress of the European Regional Science Association. Enlargement, Southern Europe and the Mediterranean. Volos, 30 August – 3 September.

  16. Iordanidou, I., Deffner, A. and Psycharis, Y. (2006) “The cultural environment approach οf urban development: The case study οf τhe city οf Veria, Greece”. In: 46th Congress of the European Regional Science Association. Enlargement, Southern Europe and the Mediterranean. Volos, 30 August – 3 September.

  17. Deffner, A. and Metaxas, T. (2006) “Place marketing as a future oriented process: Preparing a pilot city marketing plan for the case of Nea Ionia, Magnesia, Greece”. In: 2nd International Congress of IMIC. Marketing Destinations and their Venues. Chalandri, Athens, 9-11 February.

  18. Zografos, G.and Deffner, A. (2007) “How does a mega event affect the hosting country's tourism development?” The case of Greece and the 2004 Olympics”. In: 47th Congress of the European Regional Science Association. Local Governance and Sustainable Development. Paris, 29 August – 2 September. [also: Discussion Paper, DPRD, 13 (14), p. 333-348].

  19. Zografos, G. and Deffner, A. (2007) “Paralia Katerini, Greece or how dramatic can changes be in the continuously evolving tourist destinations”. In: 47th Congress of the European Regional Science Association. Local Governance and Sustainable Development. Paris, 29 August – 2 September. [also: Discussion Paper, DPRD, 13 (17), p. 381-400].

  20. Deffner, A. and Metaxas, T. (2007) “Developing pilot place marketing plans (PPMPs) in North and South Europe: A methodological approach”. In: 47th Congress of the European Regional Science Association. Local Governance and Sustainable Development. Paris, 29 August – 2 September. [also: Discussion Paper, DPRD, 13 (15), p. 349-366].

  21. Deffner, A., Metaxas, T., Syrakoulis, K. and Papatheochari, T. (2009) “Museums, marketing and tourism development: The case of the Tobacco Museum of Kavala”. In: 4th International Scientific Conference of the Aegean University. Planning for the Future – Learning from the Past: Contemporary Developments in Travel, Tourism Hospitality. Rhodes, 3-5 April. [also: Discussion Paper, DPRD, Series 15 (10), p. 191-208. Article VI-10]. 

  22. Zografos, G. and Deffner, A. (2009) “Using history as a tool for tourism development: Could the organisation of an event ultimately be the vehicle for that event?: Evidence from Greece”. In: 4th International Scientific Conference of the Aegean University. Planning for the Future – Learning from the Past: Contemporary Developments in Travel, Tourism Hospitality. Rhodes, 3-5 April.

  23. Zografos, G.and Deffner, A. (2010) “Special events and tourist destinations: The case of 2004 Olympics”. In: The 2010 Athens Tourism Symposium on Current Trends in Tourism Management and Tourism Policy. Athens, 10-11 February.

  24. Deffner, A. and Metaxas, T. (2010) “Tourism development, industrial heritage and special museums: The case of the Kavala Tobacco Museum, Greece”. In: The 2010 Athens Tourism Symposium on Current Trends in Tourism Management and Tourism Policy. Athens, 10-11 February

  25. Makrygiorgou, S. and Deffner, A. (2010) “The necessity of managing world heritage cultural sites for their sustainable development: The case of the Delos archaeological site”. In: The 2010 Athens Tourism Symposium on Current Trends in Tourism Management and Tourism Policy. Athens, 10-11 February.

  26. Economou, D., Deffner, A. and Psycharis, Y. (2010) “City choices based on opportunities rather than problems: The Mediterranean Games 2013 in Greece and Volos-Larissa as a dipole”. In: EURA Conference. Understanding City Dynamics. Darmstadt, 24-26 September.

  27. Deffner, A. and Gkika, G. (2011) “Marketing tourist destinations through films: The case of foreign productions in Greece”. In: The 2011 Athens Tourism Symposium on Current Trends in Tourism Management and Tourism Policy. Athens, 2-3 February.

  28. Psatha, E. and Deffner, A. (2011) “The quality of urban life concept: The evaluation of well being in cities”.In: EUROGEO Congress. Geography: Your World – European Perspectives. Athens, 2-4 June [flash disk].

  29. Kalpidou, E. and Deffner, A.  (2011) “Underground development of leisure activities in the city“. In: EUROGEO Congress. Geography: Your World – European Perspectives. Athens, 2-4 June [flash disk].

  30. Karahalis, N. and Deffner, A. (2011) “Cultural industries, creative clusters and city branding: The case of Athens”. In: EURA Congress. Cities without Limits. Copenhagen, 23-25 June.

  31. Vlahopoulou, C. and Deffner, A. (2011) “Creative city: A new challenge of strategic urban planning?” In: 51st ERSA Congress. New Challenges for European Regions and Urban Areas in a Globalised World. Barcelona, 30 August – 3 September.

  32. Psatha, E., Deffner, A. and Psycharis, Y. (2011) “Defining the quality of urban life: Which factors should be considered?” In: 51st ERSA Congress. New Challenges for European Regions and Urban Areas in in a Globalised World. Barcelona, 30 August – 3 September.

  33. Deffner. A. and Liouris, C. (2012) “The Olympic Games 2004 and the tourism development of Magnesia and Volos: What type of impacts?”. In: The 2012 Athens Tourism Symposium on Current Trends in Tourism Management and Tourism Policy, Athens, 15-16 February.

  34. Deffner, A. and Psatha, E. (2012) “Urban planning in the service of the quality of life of citizens”. In: 26th AESOP Congress. Planning to Achieve / Planning to Avoid: The Need for New Discourses and Practices in Spatial Development and Planning. Ancara, 11-15 July. [flash disk].

  35. Psatha, E. and Deffner, A. (2012) “The complex relationship between leisure, culture and tourism from the perspective of the quality of urban life”. In: 52nd ERSA Congress. Regions in Motion - Breaking the Path. Bratislava, 21-25 August.

  36. Deffner, A. and Metaxas, T. (2013) “From City Marketing to Museum Marketing and vice versa: The crucial importance of culture and tourism”. In: Changing Cities: Spatial, morphological, formal & socio-economic dimensions. Skiathos, 18-21 June.

  37. Deffner, A., Karachalis, N. and Metaxas, T. (2013) “Place/ City Marketing and Branding in Greece: Theory, practice and teaching of a multidisciplinary subject”. In: Changing Cities: Spatial, morphological, formal & socio-economic dimensions. Skiathos, 18-21 June.

  38. Psatha, E. and Deffner, A. (2013) “Quality of urban life and city competitiveness: Issues of compatibility”, In: Changing Cities: Spatial, morphological, formal & socio-economic dimensions. Skiathos, 18-21 June.

  39. Liouris, C. and Deffner, A. (2013α) “Recent theories on urban areas and the case of Greek cities: is the future lost?”, In: Changing Cities: Spatial, morphological, formal & socio-economic dimensions. Skiathos, 18-21 June.

  40. Liouris, C. and Deffner, A. (2013β) “The Olympic Games 2004 and the tourism development of Magnesia and Volos: what type of impacts?”, In: Changing Cities: Spatial, morphological, formal & socio-economic dimensions. Skiathos, 18-21 June.

  41. Deffner, A. (2013) “The role of size (of events, cities and stadia) and soccer in urban regeneration”. In: AESOP/ACSP 5th Joint Congress Planning for Resilient Cities and Regions, Dublin, 15-19 July [web]

  42. Psatha, E. and Deffner, A. (2013) “Methods for measuring the quality of urban life: A comparative evaluation”. In 53rd ERSA Congress, Regional Integration: Europe, the Mediterranean and the World Economy. Palermo, 27-31 August.

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